Festival Free Icon Pack

Festival Free Icon Pack
Festival Free Icon Pack
Festival Free Icon Pack
Festival Free Icon Pack

Festival Icon Pack is an app for Android that allows you to completely change the look of your device by adding a colorful and dynamic touch to the application icons on the home screen of your Android phone. It also contains a wide selection of customized backgrounds, which can be downloaded and set directly from the application.

Compared to the other icon packs created, Festival is the youngest of all, it saw the light a few months ago.

The package consists of more than 4000 handmade icons, and the design is inspired by the beveled style typical of Samsung icons, contaminated by the style of the typical icons of OPPO, OnePlus and Xiaomi.

I wanted to create these icons for several reasons. The first is due to the fact that Android, unlike iOS, has no particular requirements on the style that application icons developed by third parties must have. This leads to an important inconsistency of the look & feel of Android screens, often characterized by icons of different sizes, shapes and styles.
So I thought of creating this application just to define a standard, applying a unique and coherent style to this multiplicity of styles typical of the Android operating system.

Il secondo motivo che mi ha spinto a creare più di 4000 icone è perché credo nella condivisione, e volevo mettere a disposizione della Community Android icone di qualità, in modo che fossero accessibili ed utilizzabili da tutti in forma gratuita.


20.000 +

Android versions

6 +

Reviews (average)

4,7 / 5

Number of reviews

100 +



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